Hotel & Restaurant Cleaning Materials
Cape Cuisine stocks and supplies major restaurant and hotel cleaning materials and cleaning
equipment. From Sunlight Liquid to Stay Soft, Mr. Min right down to the econo brands. Any
cleaning product you need we've got it and if we don't have it we'll source it - no problem.
Here are some of the cleaning material we stock:
- Dishwashing Liquids
- Bleach
- Handy Andy
- Jik
- Sunlight Liquid
- Disinfectant pine
- Medisure
- Washing Powders
- Staysoft
- Dishwasher Powder
- Kitchen Cleaner
- Mr. Muscle
- Mr. Min
- Vanish
- Floor Wall & Tile Cleaners
- Grease Off
- Oven & Grill Cleaners